Abstract #M332
Section: Small Ruminant
Session: Small Ruminant I
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B
Session: Small Ruminant I
Format: Poster
Day/Time: Monday 7:30 AM–9:30 AM
Location: Exhibit Hall B

# M332
Improving goat sperm post-thaw quality using GameteGuard extender.
M. Shepherd*1, C. Bennett1, B. Baker1, L. Herickhoff1, 1Membrane Protective Technologies Incorporated, Fort Collins, CO.
Key Words: goat, reproduction, sperm
Improving goat sperm post-thaw quality using GameteGuard extender.
M. Shepherd*1, C. Bennett1, B. Baker1, L. Herickhoff1, 1Membrane Protective Technologies Incorporated, Fort Collins, CO.
Post-thaw quality of goat sperm ranges from acceptable to poor using today’s current technology largely developed from bull industry standards. At the same time, the goat dairy and meat industries are expanding and, in turn, are requesting and requiring optimization in artificial insemination. Therefore, there is a need to develop a buck-specific methodology to enhance post-thaw sperm quality. In this study, GameteGuard was used as an alternative extender to improve post-thaw quality of goat sperm. GameteGuard, a unique blend of plant-derived antioxidants, has previously provided significant post-thaw membrane protection and acrosome integrity in the bovine model (Herickhoff et al., 2015). An experiment was conducted using split ejaculates from 9 bucks (4 La Mancha, 1 Boer, and 4 Nigerian Dwarf). Ejaculates were collected using commercial procedures, washed once and split into 1 of 3 extenders: control 22% Egg Yolk Citrate (EYC), 5% GameteGuard A in EYC (GGA), and 5% GameteGuard B in EYC (GGB). All extender contained 5% glycerol (i.e., ‘one-step’ extenders). After extension to 25 million/mL, sperm was allowed to equilibrate for 3 h at 4°C then loaded into 0.5 mL straws. Straws were equilibrated for an additional 2 h at 4°C, floated 4 cm over liquid N for 15 min then plunged into liquid N. Straws were thawed in a 37°C water bath for 2 min. Afterward, computer assisted sperm analysis (CASA) and flow cytometry data were collected for motility, progressive motility, VAP, membrane integrity (PI and SYBR-green fluorophores), and acrosome integrity (AlexaFluor 647-PNA fluorophore) immediately post-thaw (0 h) and after 3 h incubation at 37°C. Use of GameteGuard in the extender improved 0-h motility, progressive motility, and VAP by 19 ± 1, 36 ± 0, and 10 ± 0.4% respectively (P < 0.05) for both GGA and GGB. There was also an 11.3 ± 0.9% improvement in overall acrosome integrity (P < 0.05) in both GGA and GGB treatments compared with control. There was no effect of treatment × breed for motility or acrosome intactness. These results indicate that GameteGuard can be used as an alternative cryopreservation extender to improve post-thaw quality of goat sperm.
Key Words: goat, reproduction, sperm