Abstract #337
Section: Ruminant Nutrition
Session: Ruminant Nutrition III
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Tuesday 12:00 PM–12:15 PM
Location: 310/311
Session: Ruminant Nutrition III
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Tuesday 12:00 PM–12:15 PM
Location: 310/311

# 337
Effects of dietary chromium on circulating energetic metabolites and leukocyte patterns following a lipopolysaccharide challenge in lactating cows.
E. A. Horst*1, S. K. Kvidera1, E. J. Mayorga1, C. S. Shouse1, M. Al-Qaisi1, M. J. Dickson1, J. A. Ydstie1, H. A. Ramirez1, K. E. Griswold2, L. H. Baumgard1, 1Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 2Kemin Industries Inc, Des Moines, IA.
Key Words: LPS, chromium, neutrophil
Effects of dietary chromium on circulating energetic metabolites and leukocyte patterns following a lipopolysaccharide challenge in lactating cows.
E. A. Horst*1, S. K. Kvidera1, E. J. Mayorga1, C. S. Shouse1, M. Al-Qaisi1, M. J. Dickson1, J. A. Ydstie1, H. A. Ramirez1, K. E. Griswold2, L. H. Baumgard1, 1Iowa State University, Ames, IA, 2Kemin Industries Inc, Des Moines, IA.
Activated immune cells avidly utilize glucose and are insulin sensitive. Chromium (Cr) increases insulin sensitivity and thereby may affect immune function. Objectives were to evaluate supplemental Cr (KemTRACE Chromium 0.04%, Kemin Industries Inc., Des Moines, IA) effects on circulating metabolites and leukocytes following an i.v. lipopolysaccharide (LPS) challenge in lactating cows. Cows were enrolled in a 2x2 factorial design and assigned to 1 of 4 treatments: 1) pair-fed (PF) and control (PF-CON; 5 mL saline; n = 5), 2) PF and Cr (PF-Cr; 5 mL saline; n = 5), 3) LPS-euglycemic clamp and control (LPS-CON; 0.375 μg/kg BW LPS; n = 5), and 4) LPS-euglycemic clamp and Cr (LPS-Cr; 0.375 μg/kg BW LPS; n = 5). Cows received experimental diets throughout the trial. After acclimation (3 d) baseline values were obtained during period 1 (3 d). At the initiation of period 2 (2 d), a 12 h LPS-euglycemic clamp was conducted or cows were PF to their respective dietary counterparts. Circulating NEFA in PF cows increased (95%) from 6 to 18 h post-bolus while LPS cows increased from 12 to 18 h (63%); thereafter, NEFA decreased in all treatments (P < 0.01). Circulating BUN was increased in LPS vs. PF cows throughout P2 (31%; P = 0.02). Circulating β-hydroxybutyrate tended to decrease in LPS vs. PF cows (16%; P = 0.07) and increased in all cows throughout the 2 d (P < 0.01). Relative to PF cows, circulating LPS-binding protein and serum amyloid A in LPS cows increased 2 and 5-fold, respectively (P < 0.01). Overall, Cr-supplemented cows had increased (22%; P = 0.03) monocytes. Relative to PF cows, WBC and neutrophil counts in LPS cows initially decreased, then progressively increased 58 and 163%, respectively (P < 0.01). Between 12 and 48 h post-bolus, neutrophils increased (12%; P = 0.04) in LPS-Cr vs. LPS-CON cows. In summary, Cr increased the neutrophil response following an LPS challenge, but had minimal effects on circulating energetic metabolites.
Key Words: LPS, chromium, neutrophil