Abstract #66
Section: Breeding and Genetics
Session: Breeding and Genetics Symposium: Inbreeding in the Genomics Era
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Monday 11:30 AM–12:00 PM
Location: 315/316
Presentation is being recorded
Session: Breeding and Genetics Symposium: Inbreeding in the Genomics Era
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Monday 11:30 AM–12:00 PM
Location: 315/316

# 66
Inbreeding in the genomics era the flip side: Crossbreeding.
E. Amuzu-Aweh2,1, P. Bijma2, H. Bovenhuis2, D. de Koning*1, 1Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, 2Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Key Words: crossbreeding, heterosis, genomics
Speaker Bio
Inbreeding in the genomics era the flip side: Crossbreeding.
E. Amuzu-Aweh2,1, P. Bijma2, H. Bovenhuis2, D. de Koning*1, 1Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Uppsala, Sweden, 2Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Wageningen University, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Reliable methods for predicting heterosis will improve the efficiency of crossbreeding schemes by reducing their dependency on expensive field-tests of multiple pure-line combinations. When heterosis is due to dominance, heterosis is proportional to the squared difference in allele frequency (SDAF) between parental pure-lines (not necessarily homozygous). Hence, a linear model including regression on SDAF partitions crossbred phenotypes into pure-line values and heterosis, even without pure-line phenotypes. We regressed the phenotypes of crossbreds on the SDAF between parental lines. We used 53,421 SNP genotypes of 3,427 White Leghorn sires, allele frequencies of 6 White Leghorn dam-lines and cage-based records on egg number and egg weight of ~210,000 crossbred hens. SDAF predicted heterosis for egg number and weight with an accuracy of 0.5. Heterosis predictions allowed preselection of pure lines before field-testing, saving 50% of field-testing cost with only 4% loss in heterosis. The concept of using SDAF to predict heterosis can be extended to predict heterosis for individual sires. This will quantify genetic variation between sires from the same pure-line, and can increase heterosis in crossbred populations. We derived the theoretical expectation for heterosis due to dominance in crossbred offspring of individual sires: “heterozygousity excess.” Next, we predicted heterosis by regressing offspring performance on the heterozygosity excess. Between-line differences accounted for 99.0% of the total variance in predicted heterosis, while within-line differences among sires accounted for 0.7%. Despite the limited effect on these traits, the individual sire differences for expected heterosis could provide an additional tool for optimizing breeding strategies in crossbreeding programs. Finally, we ran single-SNP GWAS for crossbred hens in 3 ways: (1) across-line GWAS with phenotypic data on all crosses that were produced by the 4 sire-lines; (2) line-level GWAS for the crosses produced by each of the 4 sire-lines; and (3) within-cross GWAS for the sire-lines that showed significant SNPs. Heterosis in crossbred populations can be predicted from genotype data on the parental lines. Selecting SNPs that have dominance effects may improve this prediction.
Key Words: crossbreeding, heterosis, genomics
Speaker Bio
I am interested to dissect the genetic basis of variation in complex traits and use of this information in breeding programs. My research covers traditional livestock species as well as excursions to fish, mice and even plants.
My research focuses on linking DNA variation to functional variation in livestock and beyond. I am interested in experimental design as well as data analysis and bioinformatics. A large research project is on the development of novel tools for molecular breeding in RA2 of Mistra Biotech. Another large area is the study of bone strength in laying hens. We also have an exciting collaboration on RNA sequencing with Leif Andersson and the group of Paul Siegel. We are in the process of establishing more research in the area of aquaculture.
I am (co-) supervisor of 10 PhD students with topics including Tilapia breeding, modeling mastitis in dairy cattle, and structural variants in great tits.
Since January 2016, I am Head of the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics together with Prof. Lotta Rydhmer. On the periphery I am Deputy EIC for G3|Genes, Genomes, Genetics, and editor for Genetics
My research focuses on linking DNA variation to functional variation in livestock and beyond. I am interested in experimental design as well as data analysis and bioinformatics. A large research project is on the development of novel tools for molecular breeding in RA2 of Mistra Biotech. Another large area is the study of bone strength in laying hens. We also have an exciting collaboration on RNA sequencing with Leif Andersson and the group of Paul Siegel. We are in the process of establishing more research in the area of aquaculture.
I am (co-) supervisor of 10 PhD students with topics including Tilapia breeding, modeling mastitis in dairy cattle, and structural variants in great tits.
Since January 2016, I am Head of the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics together with Prof. Lotta Rydhmer. On the periphery I am Deputy EIC for G3|Genes, Genomes, Genetics, and editor for Genetics
- MSC, Wageningen University 1996
- PHD, Wageningen University 2001
- 2010-present, Professor in Animal Breeding, SLU
- 2007 - 2010 Band 4 Group Leader, Roslin Institute
- 2003 - 2007 Career Track Appointment, Roslin Institute
- 2001 - 2003 Post- Doctoral position, Roslin Institute
- 1997 - 2001 PhD Student, Wageningen University
- 1996 – 1997 MTT Agricultural Research Centre of Finland