Abstract #297
Section: Dairy Foods
Session: Dairy Foods II: Cheese
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Tuesday 10:15 AM–10:30 AM
Location: 328
Session: Dairy Foods II: Cheese
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Tuesday 10:15 AM–10:30 AM
Location: 328

# 297
Impact of green tea polyphenols on functionality and sensory acceptability of buffalo milk Cheddar cheese.
M. A. Murtaza*1, I. Hafiz2, M. Anees-ur-Rehman1, 1Institute of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan, 2Department of Chemistry, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Key Words: buffalo milk, Cheddar cheese, green tea polyphenols
Impact of green tea polyphenols on functionality and sensory acceptability of buffalo milk Cheddar cheese.
M. A. Murtaza*1, I. Hafiz2, M. Anees-ur-Rehman1, 1Institute of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Sargodha, Sargodha, Pakistan, 2Department of Chemistry, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
Green tea is a rich source of polyphenols, predominantly flavonoids having antioxidant properties. The objective of the study was to assess the impact of green tea extract addition on composition, functionality and sensory acceptability of buffalo milk Cheddar cheese. The cheddar cheese was manufactured from buffalo milk standardized at 4% fat content. The tea extract was added as 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3% in milk. The cheese samples along with a control were prepared in triplicates and ripened at 6–8°C for 4 mo. The cheese was analyzed for basic composition, phenolic content, texture profile, color and sensory perception during storage. The addition of extract did not influence the protein, fat and minerals content. The moisture in cheese was reduced significantly with the increase in extract concentration. The mean phenol retention coefficient was found 0.70 and non-significant increase was found with respect to extract’ concentration. The extract addition also affected the cheese color with slight decrease in lightness (L* value) and increase in redness (a* value) and yellowness (b* value). Regarding texture profile, cheese hardness increased while springiness and cohesiveness decreased significantly with the increased concentration of extract. On sensory evaluation (9-point hedonic scale), as the concentration of extract increased, the scores awarded for flavor, color and texture of cheese decreased but product was greatly acceptable (scores >6) up to the extract level of 0.2%. The influence on color and flavor was due to the color and flavor of the extract however, the alteration in texture shows the interaction of extract with casein matrix and its retention in final product. Hence, it was concluded that green tea extract increases the antiradical activity of cheese and extract up to 0.2% of milk can adequately be carried through Cheddar cheese to get its nutritional and health impacts.
Key Words: buffalo milk, Cheddar cheese, green tea polyphenols