Abstract #17
Section: Recognition Symposium: Dale Bauman
Session: Dale Bauman Recognition Symposium and Reception
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Sunday 5:00 PM–5:20 PM
Location: 301/302
Session: Dale Bauman Recognition Symposium and Reception
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Sunday 5:00 PM–5:20 PM
Location: 301/302

# 17
On being a scientist—Experiences and reflections.
Dale E. Bauman*1, 1Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Key Words: career, symposium, Bauman
Speaker Bio
On being a scientist—Experiences and reflections.
Dale E. Bauman*1, 1Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
As a 9-year-old at the 4-H County Fair, I informed the newspaper reporter that my goal was to become a researcher in dairy nutrition. Over a half-century later, I can look back at a dream come true. The National Academy of Sciences publication titled “On Being a Scientist” (https://www.nap.edu/catalog/12192/on-being-a-scientist-a-guide-to-responsible-conduct-in) is a must read for all in the scientific community. The report lists many of the challenges and issues faced by scientists in the 21st Century and concludes that researchers have 3 sets of obligations. First, an obligation to honor the trust of colleagues by producing results that stand the test of time. Mentors and colleagues made a difference, and of special importance are graduates, undergraduates, and post-doctorates that represent the heart and soul of our research programs. Second, an obligation to themselves. Scientific knowledge is cumulative, with new discoveries building on past results. The same ethical values that apply in everyday life apply to science as researchers seek to be productive while maintaining high professional standards and personal integrity. Third, an obligation to act in ways that serve the public. Research involves the use of public funds for public good, and communication of results to consumers, producers, and other scientists is essential. My career has presented interesting challenges, exciting opportunities, and many satisfying experiences; the presentation will relate some of these to the 3 NAS obligations.
Key Words: career, symposium, Bauman
Speaker Bio
Dale E. Bauman is Liberty Hyde Bailey Professor Emeritus at Cornell University. Raised on a Michigan dairy farm, he received degrees from Michigan State University and the University of Illinois. Recently named as one of the “World’s Most Influential Scientific Minds”, Bauman has received awards from several scientific and professional societies, the USDA Distinguished Service Award and the Alexander Von Humboldt Award. Elected to National Academy of Sciences, Bauman has served on several USDA Advisory Committees, as Chairman of the National Academy of Sciences Board on Agriculture & Natural Resources and as President of American Society for Nutrition.