Abstract #531
Section: Teagasc-Moorepark/University College Cork Cheese Symposium
Session: Teagasc-Moorepark/University College Cork Cheese Symposium
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Thursday 10:45 AM–11:15 AM
Location: William Penn Ballroom, Omni William Penn Hotel
Session: Teagasc-Moorepark/University College Cork Cheese Symposium
Format: Oral
Day/Time: Thursday 10:45 AM–11:15 AM
Location: William Penn Ballroom, Omni William Penn Hotel

# 531
The cheese microbiome and its relevance to industry.
P. D. Cotter*1,2, 1Teagasc Food Research Centre, Moorepark, Fermoy, Cork, Ireland, 2APC Microbiome Institute, Cork, Ireland.
Key Words: cheese, microbiome, DNA
Speaker Bio
The cheese microbiome and its relevance to industry.
P. D. Cotter*1,2, 1Teagasc Food Research Centre, Moorepark, Fermoy, Cork, Ireland, 2APC Microbiome Institute, Cork, Ireland.
Recent advances in next-generation DNA sequencing have revolutionised our understanding of numerous microbial environments. These approaches have been employed with increasing frequency to study food-associated microbiota, including cheese. Initially many such studies were curiosity driven, but are now beginning to be used to investigate the microbial basis for microbial related food quality and safety issues. Here we describe our research in this area, with a particular focus on our investigation of the cheese-pinking phenomenon. The nucleic-acid based approaches used for this study revealed a microbial basis for this phenomenon and, armed with this knowledge, can provide a means of preventing/controlling the problem.
Key Words: cheese, microbiome, DNA
Speaker Bio
Dr Paul Cotter is a Principal Research Officer and the Head of the Food Biosciences Department at Teagasc Food Research Centre at Teagasc, Moorepark, Fermoy, Ireland. He is a molecular microbiologist, with researchers in his lab focusing particularly on the study of microbial populations in the food chain and in the gut and of antimicrobial peptides/food preservatives. Dr Cotter also manages the Teagasc DNA sequencing facility. Dr Cotter’s laboratory have twice won the title of Irish Food/Agriculture Laboratory of the Year Award, he has received awards from the Society for Applied Microbiology, ESCMID and FEMS, is an appointed faculty member of Faculty of 1000 (Biology) since 2006 and is a Principal Investigator with the APC Microbiome Institute since 2009. Dr Cotter is also the author of >200 peer-reviewed publications resulting from research funded by the EU, Science Foundation Ireland, the Irish Health Research Board, Enterprise Ireland, the Irish Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and the Irish Research Council for Science Engineering and Technology.